Hi, I’m Matt Bloom. My business is called Matthew C. Bloom Content Marketing because if you Google Matt Bloom right now, you’ll likely lose yourself in the incredible success story of WWE wrestler Matthew Jason Bloom.
So I’m “Matthew C. Bloom.” But you can call me Matt.
I’ve been writing professionally for and with my fellow marketing and communications pros for over a decade. They seem to like what I do. And I ain’t talkin’ about writin’ stuff good. (Yes, Mom, I know it’s supposed to be “well.”)
What my clients like is the thinking I do.
From the moment you and I start working together, I’m thinking about more than “wordsmithing.” I’m thinking about what you need to accomplish and how I can help you do it. About what your customers or stakeholders need.
You might call this “empathy.” Most of the time, I just think of it as being effective.
That’s it. That’s my whole pitch. My associates and I are good thinkers who happen to write well. I’ve been doing it for a long time and can probably help you. Beyond that, I’ll let my portfolio and the lovely folks who have given me testimonials do the talking.
Now go take a break. You work too hard.
Matt “Not a Wrestler” Bloom

MCB Content Marketing is a marketing consultancy specializing in the written word. We extend MarComm (marketing & communications) and web development teams by creating bespoke content strategies and results-oriented copy. At MCB Content, we think—therefore, we write.